Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm RELATED to this guy!!

Duh, not Alfred Nobel.

Dr. Leonid Hurwicz.

Who's Leonid Hurwicz?
He is the husband of my grandmother's first cousin, and as it happens, just won the NOBEL PRIZE IN ECONOMICS!! Just happened to talk to my grandma tonight (it's her birthday - Happy 79, Grams!) when she mentioned one of our relatives just won a Nobel Prize. I figured it was some distant relative from Norway or Denmark, but then she told me he couldn't make it to Sweden to collect his prize (he's 90, cut him some slack), so the Nobel Foundation presented it to him today at the University of Minnesota with a live feed to Stockholm. Genius lives about an hour and a half away! Check out a cool video about him from the U of M.

Not everyone can say they have a Nobel Prize Winner in the family! :)